Houston Auto Repair


Ted said this business does a great job, has reasonable prices and they work with him.


Bill said Mike is very helpful, knowledgeable, and intelligent. They are a good business.


James said they give the best care and they do a good job.


Not just for repairs and routine maintenance but because they are good neighbors. With car emergencies large and small, they have been ready to help the minute we call. Mike and his staff are great!


Ross said the manager takes really good care of him.


lent service from memorial Car Care. Never any pressure to perform services not needed, and always provides quick reliable service.


Mike is the best! He makes his customers feel valued and I feel confident that he is taking care of my car because he cares about the people in it!


Great service. Thank you Mike for taking care of us in the neighborhood.


Overall I have found this Conoco station to be a convenient, full auto service provider, in a neighborhood setting. Gas prices are fair, you can air your tires for free while you fill up, and staff is friendly. The station looks great after it's recent renovation.


Excellent as usual